
Я здесь, линкор. Прими мою любовь.
Извините, не смог молчать. Могло бы быть длиннее, но мне стало жалко времени.

The word trader - from English "trade", meaning "trade" - is used to define a trader who participates in trading. So, one may say thet a trader trades. Besides, what else can he do being trader? A good trader trades day and night if there is trading,horse-trading if he has really mastered his trade. If I were a trader, I would trade as there wouldn't be much choice besides trading, I'd develope a stock-trade, so that everybody could recognize a trader in me. That might be better then my current trade that it is too close to skin for my liking. Trading is such a trade, you know... It can be rough sometimes, but we won't discuss these moments here.
So. We've established that a trader trades. Fine. It's true. If a trader fails to trade, he is not a trader. Perhaps he becomes something else. They say, the best name for a trader is jack but I'm not quite sure as history - the trade I know - proves otherwise. There was even an Anthemius of Trades. Well, that's it, I must go back to my main trade. Just wished to share some thoughts on a rather painful trade-off.

@темы: Не перевести ли вас через дорогу

07.03.2014 в 20:48

I see you
о, у кого это было.. про сепульки... почти то же самое )
08.03.2014 в 11:31

You call that tricky...?
Навеяло, однако
Down the river floats an Axe from the town of Byron, let it float by itself fucking piece of iron.