
Я здесь, линкор. Прими мою любовь.
Before celebrating the fact that the season is low and there won't be much people around, it's wise to ask yourself: why is it that low.
Back from the glacier: dirty, wet, frozen and grey-haired.

@темы: Rastlose Jahre

12.06.2012 в 00:53

IDIC is important!
А ты, с твоей любовью читать всякие туристические сообщества, не читал про это? Или об этом просто не писали?
12.06.2012 в 12:41

Я здесь, линкор. Прими мою любовь.
I couldn't imagine that the glacier would stretch so low that the passes would be covered with snow. And yes, it seems no one has been here. Except for skiing.