Версия Майерлинга в книге из предыдущего поста отличается особой причудливостью, сочетая в себе вариант с ревнивым лесником и с не менее ревнивым Балтацци.
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It was through a young Austrian girl that I first heard the correct account, and she told me that on the evening of that eventful day the Crown Prince had arranged to meet the Baronesse Vecsera at a house near Mayerling, but before he went there he met the gamekeeper's wife, with whom he had a little flirtation. The gamekeeper, not knowing who it was,
fired, wounding the Prince in the back, but the wound was a slight one. He then went off to the house where he was to meet the young Baronesse Vecsera, but upon his arrival whom did he see but Georg Baltazzi, who was desperately in love with the young Baronesse, and they say wanted to marry her. Baltazzi and the Crown Prince came to words, and the former struck the Crown Prince with a lantern a blow on his temple, killing him at once. The young girl who told me this version of the story said she had heard it from the daughter of the coachman who had driven the Crown Prince that night, but the coachman and all witnesses of the affair were paid immense sums for life to keep the matter quite
secret. She told me, too, that the young Baronesse Vecsera was not killed, but that she was compelled to be dead to the world, and that she is still living in some small place in Bohemia. As for Baltazzi, he was forced to leave Austria at once, and went to America.
Судя по всему, сердобольной австрийской девушке не хотелось убивать Машу.
Еще вариант:
The A.D.C. of the Archduke Ferdinand said, in relating the mysterious affair of the Crown Prince Rudolph, that the only points in which the version which I had heard differed from his were that the Crown Prince had been killed by a blow from a champagne bottle by Baltazzi, and that the young Baronesse Vecsera was killed by the Crown Prince.
Убитым, надо полагать, к тому времени бутылкой от шампанского.
Единственно, мне кажется, что ревнивая Стефания тоже должна была кого-нибудь убить. А то несправедливо, ящетаю.
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